An ordinary day with peanuts

• I remain headachy, (about 3 weeks now) which makes me wonder if it’s the insulin or my inability to process stress effectively.
• I got to watch about 40 minutes of Coronation Street for the first time in weeks. Now, again, I am completely out of the loop.
• Yesterday my face started to hurt from smiling. I am not sure why I bothered. It was mostly an exercise in telling little old ladies that, yes indeed that ugly little McCoy planter in their basement was worth 65 dollars.
• I couldn’t help but subject all the people going by to my critical eye and I am not going to publish the results here. Suffice it to say that I remain extremely anthrophobic but fortunately as long as I don’t have to live with and hang round with them I can probably bring myself to live and let live.
• Virginia Woolf said something to the effect of “ I have lost many friends, some to death, some to the inability to cross the street”.
• I really need a shower, and a good meal, served to me, with a cloth napkin wouldn’t be sneezed at either.
• When I am rich and famous, I am definitely going to pay someone to clean.
• Each form of Psoriasis has it’s own peculiarities and frustrations. Lately I’m really over the pustular form.
• There is so something to be said for being able to sit on one’s porch and the whole, entire, air smells of flowers.
• No wonder I flunk math, I can’t count. I’m in the 2900s still, and don’t expect to hit 3000 for a couple days.
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