Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

2 Roads diverged in a wood & I took the one to the gallus tree

I suddenly realized that I regularly read the blogs of, and read blogs where the commentaries are comprised of, dozens of people that annoy me. What is up with that?

Fer'instance: one is an unabashed drunk. Whenever any question of alcohol abuse or issues crops up, that one has some post or comment rabidly defending the alcoholic lifestyle. I’m not prissing about the occasional beverage, this is a person who appears to have a barstool surgically attached to their ass. Because I am pretty familiar with how not well the brain works when it’s under constant fuzz effect I take no stock in almost any opinion they opine. Yet I keep reading.
Another is a pathological liar. I know this for a fact. Yet I check in to pass judgment about every day.
Yet another is basically a star fucker, clique melder. Probably an ok person but, possibly without even realizing it, an annoying hipster art snob.
And then there’s Craiglist, what a lot of straight up assholes, rage-aholics and freak show contestants.
Then again I am definitely an unabashed Springer watcher as well.
I tried to explain it once to the beloved english teacher who was, possibly justly, appalled by that revelation.

I want to intimately know the full spectrum of human endeavor. I need to understand the depths of ignorance and depravity as well as get the mechanics of, and the achievement of, the highest human aspirations. This will probably completely offend some (read most) people but to me Mother Theresa and Ed Gein are inherently the same person on some level and I need to know why they diverged.
I used to sit mesmerized for hours by Stiles project. At the time it seemed like the pinnacle of Buddhist thought. Juxtaposing horrific suicides, medical anomalies and sadomasochists against the worship of babe-alicousness and hot bods. I must admit the snuff stuff and poo eating finally got to me and I just couldn’t stand up under it anymore. I haven’t been back for a couple years. I am really uncomfortable with snuff, so much for a lot of Lydia Lunch’s work then. I just can’t bear it. But the odd part is the theatrical stuff doesn’t interest me at all. I can’t stand Tarantino, The Sopranos, slasher or war movies or things of that ilk.

I can’t help but think of what Arwulf used to say, years ago at Commie High, about The Trashy Fiction Club , “how can you tell what’s good if you don’t know what’s really bad?” as well as Portia in “Gone Away Lake” when she realizes that one needs “comparers”.

BTW my tongue is just shredded. Apparently another symptom of this same issue is the person who just can’t stop exploring the sore tooth.

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At 5/25/2007 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Государственный герб Российской Федерации представляет собой четырехугольный, с закругленными нижними углами, заостренный в оконечности красный геральдический щит с золотым двуглавым орлом, поднявшим вверх распущенные крылья. Орел увенчан двумя малыми коронами и - над ними - одной большой короной, соединенными лентой. В правой лапе орла - скипетр, в левой - держава. На груди орла, в красном щите, - серебряный всадник в синем плаще на серебряном коне, поражающий серебряным копьем черного опрокинутого навзничь и попранного конем дракона.

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At 5/25/2007 1:13 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Ok well I sure wish I had studied Greek, Hebrew, Russian and Aramaic like I once thought to cuz now my curiosity is a'sizzlin'.


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