I just love making up words

Dreamed this morning that I was trying to buy a house on the “country” part of Woodward. Does such a thing even exist? I doubt it. But man, it was a very cool old rambling ranch with real dirt and trees on a real lot. If I could find such a house in real life that was affordable, I’d consider it. My current one is more Charles Addams-ish. Which is wonderful but I’m looking at all those stairs and down the line will it all be so wonderful when my knees really go?
Anyway, I want to say something about politics. Which is that I have nothing much to say about it in this venue. This is not to say that I don’t care or vote. Or that I don’t have extremely strong feelings about it. Therein lays the problem, my feelings are just that, very strong intuited feelings. I don’t read the 8000 kajillion books about it. I can’t watch the news or I’d stick a fork in my forehead. I get my news from the web and the Daily Show, which in my view is at least better than the lady my classmate met, who gets hers from EWTN channel and Fox.
I was raised by staunch Democrat, ethicistic, atheist, liberal, intellectual parents who slaved us out to the party as envelope stuffers and lickers for months, nay, years, at a time. But I myself am not a Democrat, or a Republican, nor a Libertarian, or an Anarchist or really anything clear or easy at all.
I am someone who looks at the candidates faces and their eyes and says: “oooh that one sleeps with Satan, that ones a huge liar, that one opens the gates to the pit when he/she opens their mouth. (If you’ve ever seen L. Ron Hubbard on film you may notice that very same phenomena.)
Or conversely,
“Hey I may disagree completely with what that ones saying, but I’ll be damned if they’re not completely sincere”
Since I hate lies with a fury and a passion, I don’t favour many politicians at all. Or religious leaders. Or salespeople. Or addicts. Or players. Or military leaders. Or corporate people. Or PC nazi’s. Or extremist’s. Or Fundamentalists. Heck the list goes on and on. I could be a misanthrope, but I’m really not quite, I call myself anthrophobic indicating my uneasiness with and generalized fear of humans. But it’s their words and deeds and not themselves that raise all the issues.
So if you want to talk politics in a learned fashion, and discuss in depth articles, I again refer you to:
Those folks are funny, very learned and sincere and just a little over the top which I end up enjoying.
I just wanted to get that whole politics schmear out of the way, because as you may have noticed, my posts have been and are likely to remain, self serving observations about my relationship to myself, the people around me, and the world that I experience in my head and on the physical plane daily. And not much more.
Labels: Fotos, Politics, Psychology, Sociology
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