Working over the weekend
I feel like while I have a tiny break from work and the network is actually running the way it’s spozed to, I should get in here and rewrite my lost entry or say something salient.
However as its still early and I havent had my proper cuppa tea I just don’t feel inspired.
You would already know how I like my tea, my relationship to caffeine and about Karl LaFong and Charlie Daytona who are coming over later to play music, had I not lost that other post.
It’s so painful and I feel so wistful because I am a classic three finger typist and losing something I typed away at for an hour makes me daggers mad.
But the teapot awaits, the dogs need to be sat, Im sure there’s plenty of filing to do, and Oliver just sleeps blissfully on, like the world is just prepared to wait for his attentions.
Ah, the sweetness and surprise of seeing dear RoRo's eyes, gleaming back at all of us, from this unpredictable Digital Pure Land. thank you Stella, for the great photo.
love, Lizard Breath
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