The taste of love is sweet

While I am still recovering from the amount of stress I have been under in the last few weeks culminating in Sat. nights show, I’ll just do a couple reviews-
• The plan for cutting back the smoking. Take an empty pack, put 14 cigarettes in it and that is the limit for the day. Then if possible I think I’ll try to cut it down to ten from there. I have to admit all the graphic pictures and descriptions in Bio have affected me. Not that I don’t adore tobacco as always, I just can’t deny that it appears to do some nasty things to the bronchioles.
• Dali’s party. It was really nice. I walked in and there was a champagne fountain. I screamed “Oh my God that is so crazy”. I loved the wild way it looked. However it makes the champagne flat so that’s not so good. But as a centerpiece it was fantastic.
I got to see naked men in the hot tub - awesome. Apparently I missed the naked women - so sad.
The Mayor showed up. I really wanted to engage him in discussion of building heights and the great architecture of the new building on Maynard as opposed to the completely stale Cornerhouse architecture. However I figured even the Mayor has the right to party without constituents arguing him so I regaled the group with prime rib cooking tips instead.
I had to agree with Dali that our new neighbor is smokin’.
Apparently I missed several people as I just couldn’t hang on any longer than 11.
• The grades are in. I realize that I’m really, really winding grades into some measure of my self worth, because I cannot believe how much more jazzed I became to discover that as opposed to a B+ in Bio I received an A-. When I saw those three A’s I got an instant huge inflated head, and someone is likely going to have to pop me as I get too insufferable. But man it felt SO good.
I did, however, then have to argue with the Dad, who said something like you could have done this years ago. To which I, who have recently been studying my transcript from every attempt I’ve made previously and analyzing those times in my life that have caused the entirety of that transcript to be filled with I’s, W’s, and other indicators of inability to move to completion, had to say “Dad, I could NOT have done it before, or I would have done”. My argument being that yes obviously I have always had the capacity, but just as clearly did not have the capability.
• As of last night there is a new plan to drive to Howe, Indiana on xmas day. I was just going to go have chinese which is my tradition. But the Oliver brother called, saying the Oliver Grandmother called, wanting to gather the Blades clan.
Now I have to think of something fabulous to cook/bake and bring. I don’t have a clan like that so it’s quite odd. But I think I’ll actually enjoy getting out of town for a quick minute by then.
• The pictures will be up soon, I swear. I have actually gotten them downloaded, all 80 of them and I'll pick out a couple to throw up. A lot of them are no good at all. So thank god for digital cameras where discovering that doesn’t cost one a dime.
• And lastly, the cat continues to buck up.
Congrats on the grades, and also being able to wind back down a bit.
Thanks pal, it feels good.
Excellent results! Congratulations.
Thanks so much!
Hey, I didn't want to seem argumentative on your site, but really, peanut butter and chocolate is truly fantastic.
Although I've never seen "American Peanut Butter" (with the chocolate mixed through the jar) here, only in England.
I s'pose its what you grow up with but I might be too old to acquire the taste now. And BTW no worries about being argumentative about things like peanut butter and chocolate. I'm not that sensitive and I think it is the kind of debate that is unlikely to get too nasty on a world scale.
Yes I could see that, although if we could reduce American foreign policy to whether or no people should try American style peanut butter, I'd be ever so much happier to be a representative of that.
Do I recall you saying that you have a daughter of just the age to begin to dig xmas? I hope it's really a great one for all, thats what really makes it fun and out of the ordinary.
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