born, suffer, die

Yesterday was a tuff day. The cat was dreadfully ill, Oliver had to take her to the vet as an emergency. I had to go to finals and wait to know what was going on. Not sure, but that was probably not helping when the partial meltdown in Math Lab occurred. As I think I have mentioned before I’m a leaker not a weeper.
But once the leaking starts it’s really hard to stop. My poor math teacher, he’s a nice guy. I wonder how much of that he has to face this time of year.
So the conclusion is I have to take an incomplete. I just couldn’t get through the last 2 chapters. I just couldn’t get the pre-algebraic concepts. I’m just glad there is an incomplete to be gotten, I had thought that with the entirely new system there would not be. I thought I would just fail.
He seems to think I will get there though. He seems to think at some point there will be an AHA moment. Which is better than the poor kid in front of me to whom he had to say that he thought he had a learning disability and give him all these referrals to the counseling center. EEK that’s REALLY tough.
As to the cat there is some possibility it’s cancer..... but she is starting to respond to antibiotics and eat again so it might just have been a serious infection. Source unknown. She had an 104 fever. But I tempted her with straight tuna, after she refused lamb, ham, cream, cheese, and cream cheese.
So she’s just hanging out fairly pissed at having goop shoved down her throat. I know when I woke up in the hospital with that fucking tube through the nose I was seriously pissed, so I imagine how she feels.
It’s been a bad couple, little buddies, month or so, between Mem’s cancer and now Hosha and my friend called to say her dog Boogie died in his sleep Sunday it’s just tuff.
Not to mention many of the humans I know taking really hard hits, there’s cancers and deaths and hospitalizations. Buh, it just sucks.
Anyway, I go to see if Hosh will eat some eggnog now.
My mum had thyroid cancer at the same time as Rhenquist, but as she's still kickin' (with only one foot) I'd say she fared way better than he did.
Hope the gato feels better and the rest of school goes well.
Oh wow did she have the Diabetic issue that they scared the crap out of me with at Diabetes class?
They really terrified me into medical compliance for awhile. Then the lure of chocolate became too much for me. But I have to frequently stop in the mid bite and say to myself "do you want this chocolate or do you want to keep your foot or eyes or sex organs for that matter"
(Did you know the nerves in your cootch can die from diabetes too? Neither did I.)
No, she lost the use of her right side in a stroke fifteen years ago.
It's all still there, just in a more vistigial way.
Poor kitty. I hope you have some answers soon, I'm sending good kitty thoughts your way. Good luck getting food into her.
I hate math, I've always had a tough time with it. I'm a leaker too so I can imagine how tough that experience was.
She's eating a little tuna and just a very little, tuna mashed with cream cheese. She's a little better but she' still a sick, sick girl. It's hard, she's old but has never been sick like this....
Thanks for your thoughts.
My poor teacher was so frustrated, he said "Do you know how many times someone has said I hate math to me this week?" so I told him I didn't hate it, it just hates me.
Ok apparently she's enough better now to start vomiting again. Sigh.
Ah the too familliar pumping sound in the background.
Gonna give my lads some extra attention in the cause of good cat karma.
Do, the idea that she may not be around to love is preying on me and all the times i ignored her or pushed her away are really smarting right now.
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