Wuh, double wuh.

I ran my game today, after having like 10 hours tops to create it and set the whole thing up. I drew up all the materials and created 17 characters. There should have been 26, but I didn’t have enough time to create the rest. As it turns out you need a minimum of 13 players to make it work. We had 12. So parts of it really lagged but parts of it took off like crazy.
It got really, really, goofy and I’m glad to say that I’m proud of the young Americans in my class, as there was only one rule and they continually broke it. Which is really an advantage in this game. The game is essentially about class and knowing your place. But being willing to take chances and assert yourself and create your own fate allows you to make circumstances which can move you out of powerlessness and into power.
I was up at 5:00 am to finish it as there was no time yesterday. 3 classes, a double Dr. appt. and band practice. After that I was so stressed and so tired the inside of my head felt funny, I really felt weird. And I could feel myself just edging up, wanting to go off, when people just wouldn’t leave me alone.
I find it really annoying that I am finally at a place where I’m usually able to clearly state my wants and needs and most people just completely ignore them.
But the point being that I’m really tired and think I’ll nap now.
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