I could easily become transdimensional

Ok this is it, the pressure is now officially on.
If I’m lacking in quantity and substantive quantity you’ll know why. In other words if I start showing up sporadically and sounding like zombies ate both my brain and my sense of humour, it’s cause it’s finals, recitals, big show and the evil xmas all at the same time.
I cannot wait for the 18th when it’s all over.
Or conversely you might be my escape and salvation. No one knows. How do I really respond to pressure? Well, I do know that when it’s interpersonal, I clam up.
We’ll just see now, won’t we?
But you do have that end date to look foreward to.
I get loopy under stress or exhaustion. On the one hand, I'm worn out, on the other, everything's funny.
That might not be so good for exams though.
Yes I am so anticipating the 18th I can taste it right here, on the right side of my tongue. Ok homework now.
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