I may be a laggard but I'm not a wastrel
OK I have received some complaints and/or concerns. I am mostly OK just really overdone on finals and taxes.
I was at school till 6 on Monday then had to finish papers and projects for Tues. Tues I gave a paper presentation, a project presentation and my recital piece. Then in the eve. practiced with some neighborhood kids to sing with them at their drum recital. Weds. I had exams, then double Dr. appts, then went to a Seder at Lizard breath’s. Today I had classes all day then got home with just enough time to schluff and eat and do homework for my night class.
So that’s just the way it’s been going, I’ll be back in the swing as soon as I can get a little decent sleep, I mean it’s midnight right now and I haven’t even begun my dailies.
Soon Upcoming - some poetry. Which since it has either been published or is about to be published I’ll be willing to post.
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