Tuesday, September 05, 2006
About Me
- Name: Stella Magdalen
- Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
I think all I want to say here is that these words and pictures are really real, and I made them. I get about the whole international creative property laws and issues stuff, and it's the net, and blah blah blah but I'd rather you sent cool people here, than post my stuff anywhere.
He looks like my Seamus minus about seventeen pounds.
Your kitties have lovely names by the way.
Thanks. I love the name Seamus BTW. Another blogger was going through dog name possibilities, one of which was Seamus, I voted strongly for it but they went with Watson.
I always believe in titles for cats myself. The names will probably get lengthier as the cats do...
Semus Patel and William The Furry, but he goes by Liam.
William is kind of the Mohamad of Western Civilization names, all the varriations.
See now thats odd that I got the William thing for him (Naan) because I swear to gordon that he (Naan) told me that himself. It popped in my head and I was all like William? Are you sure? And the little voice was all WILLIAM so I aquiesced.
I tell you what though- I have never had cats who farted this much before. I keep hoping that because they are the runts of a huge litter that it's just immature digestive systems and that it will both literally and figuritively pass. I'm giving it a couple weeks more if it doesn't improve I'm changing food.
Apparently Naan was just desperate to tell you 666666t just now
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