Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Ooo scary

It’s just that time of year where when if I wake up a little early it’s still dark out yet it’s still warm enough to have the windows open. So I’m getting all the odd noises in the dark. It’s funny how the brain tries desperately to decipher them and put the identifying labels to them. I think we’re again going back to primal biology here. It was the good hunter gatherer who could make good assessments of the threat value of the noises in the dark.
But it is also interesting that, for me at least, the eeriness of odd sounds is very much the length of time till dawn dependent. What I mean is, that for me most things sound much eerier at say 3 am than at 6 am. Why is that? My instinct is to go back to primal memory. For someone who couldn’t just flip on the flood lights in his yard dawn was the time to be able to find out from whence that odd breathing sound outside the cave actually emanated. So 3 am was a much worse time to start hearing weird fumbling and grunting outside the door than say, 6:35.
Why is 3 am such a generally creepy time of night anyway? I don’t know about you but it looms large in my mythology. Maybe if I had ever lived somewhere without blue laws so that all living didn’t pretty much cease at 2:10 am I would feel very differently. Many of my poems and songs mention 3 am. Even in the dream that woke me up this morning, while it was 6 am in reality, I had just asked the person on the dream phone why they were calling me at 3 am.
This may somewhat account for night after night of careful planning ahead that I went through for so many of my drinking years in order to assure myself ahead of time that I would be able to stay drunk right on through and out to the other side of virtually every 3 am.

I hope this post was worth it. You may have no idea how difficult it is to type, in the dark, half supine, with a tiny kitten, nestled sleeping, in the crook of your left elbow.


At 9/10/2006 10:08 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

I think in The Amityville Horror there was always something spooky going on at 3:14 every night. But we saw it on our black and white set so when the walls would start bleeding it just looked to us like the house just struck oil.

At 9/12/2006 7:22 AM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

See now that could probably have saved old Ronnie Defoe, then he wouldn't have had had to kill everyone to inherit enough money for his heroin habit


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