Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Monday, January 15, 2007

OK ladies

I gotta tell you, while I love you all lots, I simply can’t do this “let’s do lunch” thing that turns into 4 -6 hours of mucking about due to issues with your kids, husbands/SO’s, your unorganized life or whatever the drama of the day happens to be.

First and foremost - Dudettes please realize, I’m diabetic and on insulin. When I plan lunch at 1:00pm I need to be eating very close to that time. Please do not give me attitude when I’m starting to get really grouchy and cranky around a quarter to 3 when you haven’t managed to get your shit together yet to actually sit down at the restaurant yet.

Which is another issue - that I’m a little over being the wait staffs least favourite customer ever because of needing to be seated at the very end of lunch. You then want to draw it out for ages because you don’t want to go home to the chaos.
When the staff is giving us the constant fisheye, I’m not really having fun anymore.

For me, being broke and isolated, going out is meant to be a really huge treat. I get to do it maybe 6 -8 times a year. I realize that you may be in a similar situation having kids and all, so why not make it super pleasant instead of really stressful?

Here is a conglomed scenario as a broad example of what has occurred the last 3 times I tried this:
The time is set for 1pm. The morning confirmation call comes in around 10am. Everything is set, here’s the plan, I’ll see you at 1pm.
Around 12:30 the first delay is phoned in, move it up to 1:30. I go to the prearranged spot at that time.
2pm - the cell phone rings - we’re on our way.
2:30pm - I think we’re at the wrong place, where are you?
2:45pm - Go ahead and sit down I have to take little Suprema to the bathroom.
3pm. - Ok so what are we having? Oh well apparently several martinis for you.
In between - 8 thousand interruptions of the juicy for you to have some sort of wrangle with your kid.
4:15 - “Lets go to your house for coffee.”
5:15 - “Well I guess I should get home, girrrlll you have got me in so much trouble with what’s his name”.
Next time I call your house - Definite attitude from what’s his name.

And here’s the kicker (for me anyway) I WAS READY AT 10!!!

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At 1/16/2007 12:41 AM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

Oh, it's not just the chicks. One George Helios was famous for making me look at my watch, mutter and pace while he putzed around for another twenty minutes.

At 1/16/2007 5:14 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

20 minutes will scratch at me, I can live with it though.
I believe that people who are chronically late are some of the most selfish.
It's like saying you have no life and my life is the only one that matters.


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