Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Friday, October 26, 2007

School shite

It turns out that I have somehow miscalculated some things. It’s not a huge deal but frustrating. I am one credit hour short of my requirement for the math/sci portion of the MACRAO transfer agreement (which applies to both EMU and Concordia). I will now have to make that up taking Field Geology in winter semester. Not a terrible thing as I am rock crazy. I have a whole room full of rocks upstairs after all.

I had decided this fall to actually get the available degree so as to have it on hand. Well if I was to try to take it in liberal arts I would have to take yet another 100 level math class. As I pointed out to the counselor, with the choices being Intermediate Algebra, Statistics or Mathematical Analysis, at this time, I would not be successful. I mentioned the 4 tutors I burned through last Algebra class. I think they all killed themselves or something.
So she did some fancy maneuvering and came up with a grandfathered from 1991 (the first year I took a college class and did not dropout) Gen. Ed. degree for which I am only lacking a Poli Sci. requirement. This is annoying, cheering and kinda sweet. What it means is the crazy irony that in my last semester at this school I will be taking my last required class from the instructor who, in my first semester of college waaayyy back in 1982, said to me something to the effect of “You really piss me off. All you do is sleep through class but your homework and papers are immaculate. I wish I could throw you out”.

The other weird thing is that unless I actually get into the UM non-baccalaureate masters program, which would get me a masters in 5 years total, it will take me those same 5 years to get a bachelors. Shite.



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