Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Slappy Mirthday

So yeah, today is the birthday of this blog. There was recently a conversation between my bro, sis, and dad about how stupid blogs are if they are about anything but a point of expertise, such as politics, sociology, weather, I don't know, whatever, in other words about oneself. My interjection was that I try to make it a point to NEVER talk about anything relevant. I suppose that me is my only point of expertise. They do say write what you know. I have put a lot of dedicated man hours into the old “know thyself”.

But I thought it would be interesting at his juncture to insert my first entry for review just to make sure I remember the mission statement which was quite a bit more cocky and punk rock then.


So it arose and it was scary to do. But I plunged, as one must, without really testing the waters.
The actual title is "The Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club". And yes, apparently I snagged it before any of the people that were there at the time did, at least around this cyber location. Not that I would mind hearing from any of you who were there, even briefly, at Stoners Blough, Michigan.

I do want to make something abundantly clear:
I never took a proper English class past 7th grade, and while just recently I have been learning some grammar fundamentals, due to having taken up a new language, other than it being helpful to learn the proper names of parts of speech in order to learn a different grammar, I don't care.
My spelling is decent, my punctuation is primarily, self invented. I write a lot of songs and poetry where I get to make it up as I go along. At least in my belief system I get to make it up. If your belief system tells you differently, well, that's nice for you.
I have also never taken a proper science or math class since 7th grade, again, I'm making it up as I go along.

I understand that there are people who just have a really hard time with that, that's nice, you're entitled to be rigid or secure or confident or enjoy whatever comforts those systems bring you. I have a bit more of a "by the seat of my pants" approach.
Which is actually kind of ironic as I never wear pants, unless you're English, in which case I almost always do.

The point being if there is some fascinating discourse to be had, fun, swell, and hoopty-do, but I really don't want to discuss my punctuation and grammar with almost anyone, the notable exceptions being my former or current English teachers.”

So that was the extent of my plan at the time. To write what and how I wanted and to apparently prevent any future discourse about at least the mechanics of it all.

And a slappy mirthday to Nige as well.

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At 7/04/2008 7:53 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

As a firm believer in ameteurism/ free association, I say get down with yo bad self.
And happy anniversary or course.


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