Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

This gets gross, you've been warned

The issue is no longer whether I’m going to get these massive infections, it’s now what form will they come in, and whether they will get serious enough to go to the hospital.
Part of that problem is my generalized refusal to go. I will try almost anything not to go to the fucking ER. Yesterday it became clear that we were past the "try to dope the infection" place. If I wanted to stay out of the hospital the goal was to get the infection to drain. Without going into a ton of detail, let just say that after getting home from work I spent the next 6 hours using various home remedies to “encourage” my flesh to erupt.

Baked onion poultice is my tried and true friend for many things. Fer’instance I react badly to wolf spider bites, I put a baked onion poultice on them. I have some stupid, crazy, cystic infection that they want to hospitalize me for? Baked onion poultice baby.

Now, there is also the grated raw potato poultice, this can good too, but I tend to think it works better for stuff like punctures and venomous plant or insect stings as it has a “drawing” effect. But I was ready to switch just for the cooling effect at one point.

I was feverish, doing hot compresses and poultices, and starting to be simultaneously over warm and chilled, annoyed, frustrated and frankly scared that I was going to have to back to that fucking hell hole hospital. Finally, I just said “you know, I have every faith that if I just go to sleep it will just go in the middle of the night .”
Sure enough I woke up to the cat yakking, sat up suddenly and voosh, I’m needing to change.

But ergo: that’s why I’m sitting here today drinking tea, getting ready for work and writing this instead of being the little bitch that the Dr’s and nurses hate, over at the U.
I have a pathological fear of IV’s. So trying to get one in me tends to require MUCH hysteria and apparently, eventual sedation. Atavan is nice, it connects you to your long-term memory. So if you want to remember what that girl in second grade with the braids name was? Atavan is for you. Have a panic attack or something.


At 1/04/2006 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if I ever have to go through that with you again I would strongly STRONGLY suggest sedation FIRST rather than eventually.
Just don't ever again have an IV put in without getting the drug beforehand.
See, even holistic people agree drugs have a place.
Baked onion is also great for ear infections.
-your sister

At 1/04/2006 5:50 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

I actually think a stronger med is called for. The Atavan is OK but it could be even easier with something real floaty.

At 1/05/2006 3:57 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Oliver and I both agree that we can't quite visualize how to apply baked onion to an earache. Care to elucidate further?

At 1/05/2006 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just hold it against your ear. The onion is cut in half, and after you bake it you hold the cut end up to the side of your head. I'm not sure why you can't visualize it, it is pretty much the same whatever body part it is applied to ;-)
Kids get a kick out of it, and it has worked for nearly everyone who has tried it.
Generally the baking takes about 20-30 minutes. Wrap in a cloth like cheesecloth if you want.
Folk lore also uses raw cut onions to absorb negative vibes in your kitchen. Just leave the sliced onion out and it will take up any angry thoughts, sadness, and other disharmony. Interesting idea.

At 1/06/2006 7:31 AM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Yah, ok we were just imagining you would have to pack your ear with baked onion bits or something, seemed kind of slimey and dangerous if a bit entered the canal. But if it's just the big half ball held against it makes sense.


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