You say hello, I say goodbye

our cat is likely to die anytime now. It would have been a one way trip to the vet today, but we’re going to try one more drug regimen and hope for, but barely expect, a miracle.
Not to mention, somehow we just couldn’t do it today, even though I thought I had psychologically braced myself and brought the book of prayers to say over her with me....
I had forgotten that she was so sick.
I'll cross my fingers for drugs.
well thanksfor the thought but the thing of it is that no matter what, she is on severely borrowed time. It may be today it may be next week but she's leaving the planet post haste.
Now that Oliver is wrapping his head around it more effectively it may be sooner rather than later.
He just wasn't getting it yesterday, why I was mostly to he point of- she's just unhappy in a physical body let's change that.
I'm thinking this morning that that is why the Goddess Kali is a woman- I think we get the necessity of death thing just a smitch quicker perhaps.
Man you get up early for a Saturday... I was pissed when the phone rang at 8:30
It was a clinic escort day and that starts at 7:00.
And I'm used to being at work at 5:00.
Just an updatefor anyone who cares-
I'm pretty sure the decision is final for sometime tomorrow.
I'll call the vets first thing in the morning and find out if and when they can send a team here to the house and do it here where she is most comfortable.
She is currently a little worse- and hiding under the bed pretty much exclusively. She'a had four doses of the meds and is showing zero improvement so--
thats pretty much it.
Uncle Bunny may come over to see her today, as she was his staunch nursemaid and comforter when he was down and out.
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