The fall of Troy
Troy suddenly becomes newsworthy, by attempting to block a Hooters franchise from going in within city limits.
Some Troy councilperson on the news this am:
“There’s an image that Hooters has developed over the years, and that’s sex, and that’s what the people of Troy are concerned about”
Two things battled for supremacy in my mind upon hearing this said, but here’s how it shook out-
(A) The rich, smug, white, folk of Troy have nothing better to be concerned about than sex? Why does this remind me of the 1625? There is a pack of winter starved wolves in your field eyeing your small children and your only milch cow and you are really busy making sure your 10 year old has on the required number of petticoats, thick enough stockings and that her really devilish and tempting hair is completely covered so as to preserve her honour.
(B) Are you sure you’re really that concerned about boobies? Isn’t it really the possibility of having to rub psychic elbows with NASCAR, hairspray helmet hairdos, and the kind of people who think washing down 3 dozen, overpriced hotwings with a pitcher of Miller Lite at Hooters is a really, really good time, Troy?
I once went to Hooters as a joke.
You can letch just as easily and way cheaper at the Coney Island.
ST lives in the Other Troy. No rich smug white folks or rednecks in her apartments really but lots of latinos and bengalis.
Once she tried a green chilli that made her eyes water, nose run and afterward she said she could actually smell AND SEE better.
I have been told:
There was (possibly still is) a legendary restaurant in Windsor called the Himalaya where the chef would come out, diagnose you ayurvedically and prepare your meal to your needs be they physical or spiritual.
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