Migun love you long, long time
OK then. Third session on the bed. I cleverly took ibuprofen first. This time because my lumbar/sacrum was so sore, I tried the abdominal program face down. Great, not as hard to take although the heat got hot in the crotchal area and made me a little nervous. So that was a 20 minute program, then I turned over and did the manual program on my back. That way I could stop the rollers when they got close to the sore spots.
It seems that you get to a point where everything starts flowing and suddenly you’re wide awake. Circulation is a great thing. I also am convinced that it’s breaking up the lymphatic congestion in the abdominal/pelvic areas due to all the surgeries. I also think that, when I can stand it, letting the lumbar/sacrum process happen does a similar thing as the yogic exercises that open your hips which I had suspected were all closed in as a protective/reactive measure from the surgeries as well. I’ll go again tomorrow, I’m going to give this a serious shot. I know there are theories at each end of the spectrum. The “no pain no gain” and then the “it should never hurt “ ones.
I think it’s a case by case issue and for me the stuff that hurts seems to be more effective rolfing, tattooing, migun, etc. I’m no masochist at all but I think the damage is severe and the pain of the fix pales in comparison to when the damages were occurring.
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