• I am in rebellion against the new blogger version I was finally forced to adopt
• I am tired of being scrutinized
• I had a death in the family and the reverberations are stressful and enervating
• I am overly sensitive and withholding
• I am sick of writing
• I feel vulnerable
• I’d rather just sit here and cuddle my cat
• I’m just frickin’ tired
• I have nothing of any import to say
I'm a big believer in cat cuddling.
And I think it's important. Cats do too.
Namaste chicka.
Friday afternoons (tomorrow) the Botanical Gardens greenhouses are free admission. There's Spring in them thar glass houses and oxygen for the depleted. We've made it through another Michigan winter....Survivors once again... Previews of coming attractions over on Dixboro Rd... hyacinths..tulips, daffodils, orchids...They're all there... -e
I would have to cuddle ghee-La whether I believed or not. She's just one of those cats thats needs x amount of Mom time everyday. Naan is more Mr. Indepedent.
Re: Bot Gard -oooo if the sweetie doesn't go for the emergency dental stuff this aft. I am going to try to convince him how much we need that.
What a fantastic idea!
I'll bet the Belle Isle gardens are still open. Now I have a quest.
I wish I had a GIANT kitty, a White Tiger maybe? Large enough for a full bOdy snuggle, with a purr so deep, it ReSiNaTeS throUghOut my bones....RArrr! Maybe I could even grind on him a little, & ride around the house on his back? That would be soO worth the occasional mauling ?
Well, survey says: People apparently really like gardens and cats.
BTW if Naan keeps growing you may just get your body pillow wish, at least when you visit.
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