Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

AM Earworm

One Is The Loneliest Number - Three Dog Night
You’ve Got A Lot To See - Brian (of Family Guy)



At 7/31/2008 2:18 PM, Blogger el poquito said...

one is the loneliest #......

ok. so you were my introduction to blogworld back when you started this and invited me to have a look-see. i've boarded the train and have created my own little nest out there, spending the last couple of days learning my way around the template - after several months of consideration and studying others - I drop by regularly - always on the prowl for a keen eye with humor. so in putting this up and listing other's blogs I've posted a link to yours if that's all right - I don't know the proper manners of blogworld - they seem to vary with the user. so when in doubt, ask, right? so I've got you on there right now, but since no one knows it exists and since you are the only person I actually know who's blog i listed well, you know if i ran into you at the co-op or somethng i wouldn't want you like "what the ... what were you thinking affiliating me with your kind?" so i'm asking.... and inviting...

didn't make it out of town as planned. still missed the shindig because i wasn't ambulatory. leg decided it had had enough and booked a train out of here one night recently, leaving me one legged and scratching my head as in "what do i do now?"
we're now having long distance conversations over the phone about reconciliation - maybe....

best to ya and give a "hey!" to the uncle bunny and a happy trails....

all rightey then.... take care, let me know if you want out of my corner of blogs 'r us.

el poquito


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