I did it for FB, I might as well post here as well
Fine, Fine, Fine, I’ll dingily dang do it (After being tagged in multiplicity)
1) I think I’m becoming one of those old, cat ladies
2) I am all about green
3) I freaking love old marbles
4) I itch 24/7/365, there’s no drug for that you know
5) I believe that aliens are here because up until recently we were the only place in the universe where there are nachos and tacos. Think about it, cattle mutilations, crop circles, USO’s (fish tacos)....
6) I would rather do escapist reading than drugs or alcohol
7) I am woefully, painfully, shy and all that that entails
8) If I had someone cooking Indian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Ethiopian and OM cafe food for me all the time you MIGHT convince me to give up red meat. Except for that rennetless cheese crap, blecchhh.
9) I love bands with big, farty, coordinated dance moves, horn sections
10) I have TLD. I’m in good company - Swedenborg, maybe Blake, probably Moses, Mohammed and Elijah (or is that Ezekiel?), Dostoevsky, Van Gogh, Alan Hovannes they are all likely candidates according to forensic psychology
11) I am obsessed with boxes.
12) My favourite ice-cream is peppermint stick, with chocolate sauce
13) Art Tendler broke my big toe once, it’s still F’d up
14) Limes, more limes
15) I must have about a thousand pencils and pens
16) I won’t eat food that is dyed blue
17) I still remember Chavez’s grape boycotts of 1965 - 67
18) I have never eaten a twinkie
19) I’ve never been in a Walmart
20) I have wanted to be a parapsychologist since I was 9
21) I really, really, really, wish I could draw
22) I have some trepidation about things like Slave gerbiling Paris Hilton on South Park which I attribute to growing up when Rob and Laura had separate beds. But I bless ol’ Larry Flynt regularly.
23) I learned very early not to show off by karate chopping those big, thick, red, kindergarten pencils. There is still graphite floating around in my right hand somewhere I suppose.
24) Man, was I in love with my (now dead) cousin when I was three and he was nineteen. He had a motorcycle.
25) Sometimes I wish I had had my dead cat skinned for cat fur mittens. How rotten is that?
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