Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Giving me pause

Busses, and more busses. I’ve been looking at faces again. I mean, I looked at a lot of faces at the market but now I’m seeing a much broader range. And with that comes the heightening of this weird little other sense I have of either projection or perception. I’ll never really know which.
I look at folk and feel like I can see some things about them. Feel some stuff inside them. And read some of their history.
It comes to me in odd little stories. And also in comparisons. Such as “oh that’s feeling similar to how so and so felt to me when he was trying to get clean” or “Oh yeah, that’s the kind of schitzy energy I got from blah blah right before he killed himself”
Maybe it’s just the pattern seeking mind in it’s ceaseless quest to categorize. But I think that that is a part of what brings intuition, that odd little, evolutionary, frontal lobe quink we’ve been developing for so very long. Of projecting outward beyond “just the facts ma’am”.
And also the intuitive walking exercise, today it took me in a way I did not want to go. I went anyway, and nothing really happened. Which makes me wonder what it steered me away from. Maybe nothing, maybe my death, who knows.
But now I’m home safe and sound and having that second cup of tea, wondering if I’ll revive enough to do homework and stay lucid during class. But not stay up all night either. If you see me posting in the middle of the night you’ll know why.


At 9/08/2005 5:43 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

I love existential posts like this. It's great when language and thought can be used for more than "How was your day?"
I've always talked up the Ypsi/Ann Arbor bus system.

At 9/08/2005 11:25 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

The busses have been good in the morning but pretty woeful in the afternoon. I have been missing other classes and appts. in other parts of town by as much as 50 minutes when trying to use the busses later in the day. Even today around 1pm I missed my transfer. Luckily I had nothing pressing and could walk from downtown, but the idea of hanging around bus stops for busses that never come or are up to 25 minutes late, in Jan. is starting to make me nervous.
On a sidenote, more spam, and I'm thinking I'm going to have to institute what you have against the crawlers.


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