Infuriated AGAIN
It is insane to be hearing a reporter on TV telling you that 25,000 people are dying of dehydration, and starvation and lack of medical care in a fucking sports arena. It is outrageous to hear George Bush say he didn’t go because he didn’t want to get in the way.
I know I said I wasn’t going to talk politics, but how about morality? There is a very deep pit in hell reserved for people of the ilk of our current administration. (They are REALLY lucky that in my tradition it’s not permanent), These people who deal death (and slavery) in almost every possible permutation.
I know their professed beliefs are lies because they clearly have no concern for even their own souls or their own karma. If only they could repair our infrastructure at the galloping rate that they are lengthening their personal roads to redemption.
I told people years ago that HE was the Antichrist, or that someone in that cabal is. Doesn’t it become more apparent every single day?
And that is not even my religion, but the intensity of their stupid, dualistic religious battle is affecting the entire planet and destroying millions.
I have spent years and years of my life trying so hard to stop thinking of it as us and them, the Erosians and the Thanotosers. I constantly struggle to let go of the dualistic thinking in my own heart and mind. The current state of affairs makes it really, really, really, really, hard to not hate.
I’m not there, and I despair that I ever will be able to be.
And why not talk politics? To borrow a phrase from the ACT UP movement re: HIV --- silence=death.
Talk, be outraged, get angry, move through it into positive change and action. I think as far as linking buddhism to politics, Thich Nhat Hanh has some of the wisest things to say. It can be done, and very effectively.
I can have compassion for Bush even as I work to remove him from a ledaership position. Even as I am deeply angry at his disregard for vulnerable citizens. And then we act. Small or large, the actions are what help the anger and hatred be grounded, and channeled into somethign positive and lasting. My opinion.
Be political. What other choice is there, being complacent? Way past time for that. just don't let your anger cause you to be immobilized.
It's not that I don't talk politics, it's that I don't really want to talk them here. As I said in an earlier post I feel that there are much more adroit people with far better research, by the scads already available online. So I just keep referring over to
for the political stuff, they are good at the research part. I'm not.
My politics are heart not head.
But check out Mark I think you might like him and his associates. See you there.
And you ask, why not talk politics? well, for me I know I always abandon my half-hearted efforts to gain concentration, to establish some sort of moderately calm mind whenever I jump into talking politics. Sometimes even after all these years, and especially after 9/11. the election fraud, and the WMD fiasco, the frustration swells up, I roil with emotion, and then collapse into depressed dispair. So the struggle, the effort then begins to be how †o remember ways to re-connect, instead of giving into a grey sense of overwhelm and fatalism. Tonight, with the present abandonment of the poorest folks in the New Orleans/Biloxi/coastal area of the delta south, the anger has settled into a track in my brain that I rarely turn off. Today that track ran whenever I wasted water washing dishes. Today that track ran whenever I drove the car. Today that track ran whenever I was able to go to the refrigerator and prepare food for myself, or my dogs. And today that track ran as I charged my cell phone and turned on the lights as the sky got dark here after 8 pm. The images (audial and visual) that felt most connecting were a story abou† a young mo†her who went into labor in the superdome early this morning. she lived, bu† her baby was premature and died within minutes of being born (source CNN). The other story that stuck today was of a 5 year old boy, wandering around CARRYING HIS BABY SISTER WHO WAS ABOOUT 3 MONTHS OLD, right outside the Convention Center. He was frantically looking for his mother and was terrified that she had already been herded onto one of the buses and he might never see her again.(source NPR: The Dick Gordon Show). I can resolve within myself by reflecting on the facts that 1)Bush professing compassion doesn't translate into true help for those in need 2)having recognized that there is a deep systemic problem in nearly all areas of government today in the US, I can listen to fancy government speechs with a less hopeful attitude. Why is less hope helpful? Because the true situation--- that is grounded in the knowledge that we are all connected, and that we can do good for one another with or without the trappings of government--- can be felt, now---- as long as "hope" is not in the same room with ya. I guess everybody has their own way to hook into this even†. For me, I can think about that little boy holding his baby sister in his arms looking for his mama, and hold him and his sister close in my heart. Same thing with that poor young woman who is grieving the loss of her dear sweet baby tonight. I remember my own losses, at different times, in different places, and then this young woman's loss is real to me. and it stops being totally about anger and frustration and starts to also be a point of connection, and from there, the inspiration to take action. big or small. no matter. just action, from a place of identifying with these folks great pain right now.
lizard breath
Hey does this mean the new computer came?
Someone reminded me today that LA is traditonally one of the most corrupt states of the union and that possibly we could not have seen a more perfect example of the microcosm/macrocosm issue than this. Of how it's becoming apparant that this is a clear statement by the ruling classes as to what we, the ruled, are to expect of their regard of us.
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