Lawd, I am so tired, how long can this go on.

Holy Carp Batman, I have worked my butt off today. The usual store thing in the morning, then I steam cleaned 4 rooms carpets. I’m through, it’s Saturday I’m taking the rest of the weekend off to get ready for the craziness of Monday.
One of the rooms is this one - it’s craiglisted right now on room/share.
The thing is, anyone who want’s to live in that room has to be really together. I’m not just saying that because we want to live with someone reasonable, although we do. It’s more that this is one of the more haunted rooms in the house. Anyone who lives there who is unbalanced, ungrounded or has addictive problems usually loses their mind.
You think I’m full of hyperbole don’t you? Well, a few years ago I had a very interesting conversation with the youngest of the family I had bought the house from. She asked me if the house was still haunted, particularly that room, which used to be hers.
So I’m not bullshitting here. While several very grounded people have done OK in there, others have gone straight over the edge. Some are dead, some are crazy, and a couple have been able to bounce back.
So yez pays yer monies and yez takes yer chances.
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