Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Monday, August 22, 2005

It's the middle of the night, AGAIN

Erghhh, frickin nightmares. This one was particularly creepy and now I’m not sure if I can go back to sleep.
As I pointed out before, it all appears to be blood sugar related. But in this one someone was ringing my doorbell in the middle of the night which caused me to get up and realize there was an intruder.
So now I can’t figure out if someone actually rang and it incorporated, or, me being the superstitious type, I’m all freaked that it was a psychic warning.
Also I guess I was more creeped out by the episode of Dr. Who that was rerun tonight than I realized, because now I’m thinking there’s some little kid with a gas mask standing on my porch in the dark.
And as the cat figured out I’m awake, she is insisting on being on my lap, running the super motah - botah purr (you know, the one that sounds like a small outboard) which makes me paranoid that I’m missing hearing something.
Did I ever mention that my house is haunted? I don’t think I did. Well it is, and normally it’s fine and we all get along OK as long as I don’t go in the basement at night alone.
It keeps itself pretty low key most of the time, shadows and muttering primarily.
If you think I’m nutters, let me assure you that everyone notices it eventually, even the super skeptics like my engineer friend Strudel-Queen.
The biggest, clearest (in terms of more than one person being able to verify) episode was when Oliver and I were eating dinner in the dining room, and someone went RARGGHH, quite loudly, in the kitchen.
We just laughed and kept eating. I mean, what are you gonna do?
And most of the time it’s no big deal. But when I wake up in that loneliest part of the night it’s a little freaky. The hackles are in that place where they are on alert ready to be raised, which in itself gives one the creeps.
I tend to think that one reason people become so frightened when in the presence of what (most simply) is called supernatural activity is because you’re body just feels so damn weird when it senses the unusual electromagnetics associated with such activity. That in itself seems to begin it’s own cycle of fear and heightened senses. Then fear and heightened senses. Then throw in the brain making up stuff like crazy to try account for what’s going on. The pattern seeking part jumbling in with the rationalizing part which is warring with the primordial cortex. It’s sending this huge barrage of mixed messages and people just go right over the top.
Speaking of which, something just went bang and made me jump. The rational part immediately soothing me with ”OK track the cat, it’s probably the cat”
Which, she just popped up so, 50 - 50 chance it was her.
And now the brain is busily occupied in trying to remember the lyrics to the Frank Zappa song by that name (50 - 50). See how goofy it all gets?
This is why I can’t wait to get past all this trifling post high school part of college and into what I’m dying to study, IT’S THE MIND.
(I’m sort of assuming you’ve all seen enough Monty Python to appreciate that.)
I’m going to attempt to catch another hour and a half of sleep now, as I think I’m somewhat calmed down. Maybe I’ll dream of something soothing like spell - check


At 8/22/2005 10:27 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

When I was in high school, when I woke up in the middle of the night I would turn on the sterio but after Pink Floyd's "See Emily Play" one night and that really creepy end part of "She's So Heavy" by the Beatles another night, the creep factor was just way too high.
I never dream about the supernatural though. I guess even my subconcious is even atheistic.
But songs in minor scare the hell out of me at night.

At 8/22/2005 10:30 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Incidentally there was to be no soothing sleep after all. I managed to have stress dreams about work, school and my spiritual community one after the other till the alarm went off.
The work one was strangely precognitive as I had a very similiar computer glitch happen on the register as I had stressed in sleep about.

At 8/22/2005 10:32 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

Also See Emily Play has got to be one of my very, very favourites next to Set the Controls For the Heart of the Sun and Granchester Meadow


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