Story III

Once upon a time my parents had a farm in Hillsdale MI. It was 40 acres with a ten acre wood lot and a series of springs and ponds.
Early on my parents would drag me down there every weekend to hang out while they did Mother Earth News stuff. I entertained myself OK I guess. I mucked in water, dug Hobbit holes and built forts in the woods.
I’d try to always drag a friend along. Luckily that was the era when people thought camping built strong women out of little girls. So they would push their daughters into going.
But Christ I really hated that place. Finally it got to where fighting over it became way more obnoxious than the peace of the country could ever make up for.
So they started leaving me home, ostensibly under the care of my sibs who were actually quite busy teenagers.
One result was that I’ve seen every Russ Meyers and Fellini film there are. I’m pretty sure anyway. I might have missed a few but it sure doesn’t seem possible.
I’ve also seen just a huge slew of 70’s soft core and “Art” porn. They didn’t hide the key to the cable censoring lock box well, at all.
This was when I was about 11 to 14. It became mixed in my mind with stuff like Mad Magazine, National Lampoon, Louisa May Alcott, The Happy Hooker, Hunter Thompson, Little House On The Prairie, Carlos Castenada, and Burroughs, and my head got all twisted into a funny shape.
This is a picture of our BuckyFullMinster Dome after it got all twisted into a funny shape in 60 MPH Hillsdale County line winds.
I think I might love living out in the country. You know, if I were a racoon or something.
Cool dome.
I only recently learned that racoons are Ursine. I had one living in my porch roof and I told the capture man that I thought it kicked out the squirrels that lived there. He said "ummm no, it probably ate them".
When I expressed disbelief he told me they are little bears.
Little bears are living in my sewer, how wierd is that?
Bears are scary, but that cuts them a little bit down to size.
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