Stella was a tow-head too

Another Sunday, another BBQ.
Busy, busy trying to catch up after taking a good bit of time off in the last couple weeks. Working Weds. through Sat. solid with a couple classes thrown in. Then Sun. cleaning the house frantically and cooking up a mess ‘o’ stuff before the guests arrive.
Let’s see- I made vegetarian baked beans, (who knew? I made the recipe up off the top of my head and they were tasty.) Yer basic slaw, yer basic melon, corn on the cob, (our market always has great corn, don’t know why). BBQ’d country style ribs, (they were ok, but not my best endeavor). Burgers, dogs and the ubiquitous, fabulous teriyaki steak.
Uncle Bunny made raita and caramel custard. Delicious. Nitro Von Borax and family made bruschetta, yum. Photobug and Mum brought more dogs and wine. And it was all topped off by ice cream cones from xtina and family. (I saw a couple people do 2). As usual it seemed to all work out well with a nice rounded menu. I’m lucky that way I guess.
xtina also brought lots of pins, stickers, comics and indie zines. People were scooping on the stickers and pins especially.
I got a chance to do a little mild dirt dishing with Photobug as I knew he’d have the low down on a couple of rumours making the rounds. I was particularly glad to hear a former band mate was not stepping out on the wife, as has been bandied about lately. There’s not a real connection anymore but one doesn’t like to hear that a 25 or more years relationship has gone south.
Meanwhile Nitro was pointing out to his mate Eva Destruction, that they are about to hit their 15th anniversary. Holy crap where did the time go?
They were lucky though, they met 19 years ago and ZAM that was it, they’ve pretty much been together since the day they met.
It got me thinking, what would have happened if I’d really pushed harder when I first met Oliver? That was ‘88. Would we have still been together these 17 years later or would he have been another fucked up memory by now? Cuz I knew from the moment I met him that he was my man. I was just in such a very bad space at the time. I stepped aside for someone else, thinking it was the right thing, the honourable thing, to do.
Again with the luck, it was pure luck (or was it actually some kind of kismet? Could there be some basis to all those kinds of stories?) That I ran across him again and that neither of us had died or really fucked ourselves up too badly in the interim. This time I was not stepping aside for anyone or anything. I had learned enough in the meanwhile to know that frequently one just has to seize the opportunity. One so very rarely gets that second chance.
Swoop. So, back to my day yesterday, we blew bubbles, ate tons and had a lovely time.
Later when Radiolady got home, after examining the crazy, giant, taxidermic turkey that was mysteriously left at her house over the weekend, I had her and our mutual friend Psyche come over and help eat some of the leftovers.
Topped off by an hour and a half phone call, catch up, with Jersey Girl and a little Dove ice-cream. (I had to forego the prior ice-cream as I knew I had it waiting.) I could barely stay awake long enough to do my dailies. And up at frickin’ 7am to start the week off at the market. And now I’ve gotta fly and go to drum class. Jeez, from feast to famine and back again. Speaking of feast, I’m anxiously awaiting my package from Nitro’s Cafe Press store,
Devil girl throw pillows a go-go.
Well as you know I posted the recipe on your site,
I'll ask Uncle Bunny for the raita recipe this weekend
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