Cuz its your day, cuz it's your special day.........

OOOH! we are so excited. Radiolady does not have to move and it appears that Jerkface McJerkison is. All I can say is if you have an issue with gay folk don’t move to this neighborhood. He ended up with one in front, two behind and one on the side. Then proceeded to take it out on them.
(A) They were here first.
(B) You are a jerk.
(C) Don’t be a frickin’ asshole to your ex, on our street, in front of your kids.
So Dali Madison brought food and Radiolady over. And there was much, much rejoicing and hearty well wishes all around.
I realize I’m a bit starting to turn into a journal slacker but time is becoming hard to come by. I can’t imagine what it’s gonna be like when school starts. All I’m doing is try to work more, earlier in the week so I can have a little extra free time this weekend. (It’s the birthday thing.)
I just want to go out for food as much as possible for as cheap as possible. So far the week got off to a good start with going to Floyd’sMom’s for dinner on Monday. She made a most spectacular Thai soup- with lemon grass, coconut milk, lamb, spinach, holy basil and cellophane noodles. Served in big ass bowls with a little Edamame fer snackin’, it was deee-licious. Then we got just the teeniest bit altered and sat on the pavilion of her swanky condo by the FOUNTAIN OUTSIDE HER DOOR!! and watched Monday’s brilliant sunset.
Tuesday I was schvmimmin and watched the sunset from in the lake.
Last night was practice, so we were busy making noise instead of watching sunset. But at every break Karl LaFong and I were porch sitting, so we did get to check out the awesome moon.
It should be full on my Birthday. Now in the old days full moon on my birthday on a Friday would have absolutely been taken as a sign to perform some wild ritual with dubious sacraments that take 10 to 12 hours to fully process. But lord with all these health problems, I just feel like somewhere along the middle I would start obsessing over this huge scar and the crazy various lumps, bumps and masses they left in my guts and just freak out irrevocably.
Or one could see it as an opportunity to make peace and come to real spiritual terms with the ruin that was once my insides. Ehhh its too chancy to take the chance. Think I’ll settle for going for Mediterranean for lunch with Lizardbreath, seafood for dinner with Oliver. Then Sat. the family tribe will converge upon the Ethiopian restaurant as we always do for birthdays. The punk rawk nephew’s birthday being 2 days after mine, we split the difference. Don’t tell him, but he’s getting a Devil Girl pillow.
I’m also debating, somewhere along the way, picking up a bottle of Perrier Jouet, (ouch expensive), or at least Henri’ (MUCH cheaper but still decent and French) and using some of the Chambord that’s been sitting on the shelf for ages. A little Kir Royale sounds mighty tasty and special. That is the only way you can tempt me with liquor nowadays, Champagne or vodka tonics. And man, am I a cheap date, the minute it hits the tongue I can feel it. Sounds exciting, I can’t wait to try it.
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