
If I’m not mistaken I think I’ve discovered one of the issues at play with the increase in obnoxious drivers.
My idea is that this society has become so goal and destination oriented that the process is not considered to be a viable factor or anything but something to be gotten through. Which is pretty weird considering that we have turned our vehicles into these rolling, plush broughams. There is TV and every kind of music and distraction and still the drive seems to be perceived as just an ordeal to be gotten through, than a journey which has it’s own rhythms and revelations.
Oliver and I were driving to Sign Class, just tooling along, talking and listening to Professor Arwulf Arwulf’s radio show “Face The Music”. We were mostly enjoying ourselves except for the nut ball other drivers. We were talking, laughing and commenting on the crazy stuff playing, the various changes along the way and the weather. It was pleasant, the music was good and I actually didn’t want to arrive just yet.
And yet I got the distinct impression that most of the other people driving were not in that kind of space at all. So, why spend what amounts to a down payment on a house for these super fancy living rooms on wheels if you’re not actually doing any actual living in them?
We paid only 5 grand for Pauline The Saturn Express and yet we continue our lives while in it. We stay punctual so we’re not in a hurry, and we are in the moment so we're not all crazed to get to a "somewhere" so as to end the “interruption” of our living.
I feel like I’m not expressing this well, but do you see my meaning?
I once heard the guys on Car Talk comparing drivers in Italy and America. In Italy they drive horribly, constantly cutting off, not signalling etc yet there's no road rage. Here people go appoplectic if they can't make a lane change.
A caller figured that Americans are obsessed with time and Italians are obsessed with speed. We're constantly in a hurry and huffy about it and they're just having a good time.
I've actually always been fairly sedate and oblivious to other's driving while behind the wheel.
Btw, the Chevette's name is Marty and my Geo's name is Pashka.
Also the two CDs are way cool.
Good, glad you liked them, as you can see the bands I've been in range from the wayout to the ridiculous!
Pashka is quite an interesting car name.?! We only came up with this car's name recently, I suddenly flashed on Pauline while Oliver said "but I've already been calling it T.S.E." so she got a title instead.
Pashka is an Albanian name I think.
I had an Omni named Bob and a Sundance called Butch.
I've listened to your sampler around the apartment for a while. It's bad weather for car music but it sounds like good car listening too.
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