Pillow Blog
We are reading excerpts from Sei Shonagon’s Pillowbook.
I finally had to comment that I felt that if she had been writing now, she would definitely be a blogger.
She lists. Things like hateful things, depressing things, things that have lost their power etc. And under rare things she lists:
A silver tweezers that is good at plucking out the hair.
I find it really, really strange that 1300 years ago a woman found it as important to celebrate a decent pair of tweezers as when I today, am in love with my good tweezers and watch them jealously from wandering away.
What does this mean? That people are the same, the same, across all time and space?
Or that she and I are spoiled? That the items that she treasured as a fabulously wealthy courtesan, are treasures that are easily accessible to me (though a good tweezers is still rare) as technically a low income person in 21st century America?
Edit: I changed it from 1600 to 1300, it's that damn math again.
Did you know, I just read that whole book for East Asian Civ. I have to say, I was also intriqued by the tweezers. Alas, I haven't found that special pair yet.
Thats kinda cool that our college studies are honing in on parallel interstices and such.
But so far as that pair of tweezers, I can help you with that, I have an unerring tweezer instinct. perhaps that should be an unbirthday activity.
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