Mmm Saturday morning. I suppose I should get up and do relevant things - go to the Farmer’s Market, walk by the river, start cooking and cleaning, whatever. I don’t though. I’m all up in Sat. Morning cartoons. Now with the new season there is Superman in addition to Batman, as well as they’ve brought back Beakmans World (double super awesome). So in addition to the half hour of commercial free, old school toon s on Turner it’s back to Saturday TV Savage hood.
Also joyous is a proper cup of tea with a double bagger of PG Tips. I just found a not insanely priced source. Toast made from a decent loaf of bakery bread from Great Harvest Bread Co. A 4 dollar loaf, no holes and cave-ins, a proper chewy texture throughout and even though they don’t have a sesame semolina approximation, I think I can find enough alternatives to make me happy.
I have been super pissed at Zingermans bread for ages. Always full of holes. 8 dollars a loaf and they can’t properly knead it? I am not a Zingerman’s fan. I was 20 years ago, but it all started going downhill when I found a bloody finger condom in a sandwich back in ‘86.
Oh all right, all right. I’ll go be adult and constructive now that it’s noon
We used to go to the East Detroit Bakery, that refused to change it's name when the city changed to Eastpoint, and get the day old bakery bread.
Not recomended for non-hearty bread eaters though as it just won't keep like a processed loaf of Sarah Lee.
I loved watching it go through the slicer. But then I'm a sicko.
That's so wierd...
Oliver and I were just talking about you when you're comment showed up.
I had just showed him the picture of Hostile 17. (My niece would have to decipher that reference to me.)
We just repotted all the plants and are taking a well deserved break.
Bread is one of my very weakspots.
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