Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Numbers I’m Noticing

• 6 - recent deaths around me since, and including, Naan. That makes an average of one per month since September. Of course they’ve been more clumpy than that in reality.
• 20 - year anniversary (which I totally overlooked) of not being a wastrel. The actual date was Dec. 17. It just flowed over and I didn’t notice till last night. It’s good to no longer need to be a counter of days and years.
• 1 - Really bad prognosis. Not of me but affecting me.
• 18 - 23 - Cigarettes per day appears to be too much for my system to feel real comfortable with. But I am having trouble telling myself no on this.
• 5 - Completely weird cocktails I invented the other night at a fabulous little soiree I needed to attend to combat SAD and ennui. The most notable was basically a fizzy Kamikaze. Stoli’s, Cointreau, Roses and Pellegrino water = Yummy.
• 4 - X’s per day. That’s the new feeding regimen for the cats since we switched over to all canned food to help Jetson become a healthy, normal cat. While it is totally working on that aspect, it’s a bit of a pain in my arse.
• 32 - Years that I’ve known my friend Violet. That’s just a whole lot.
• 5 - Days since my last post
• Hundreds of things I’m supposed to be doing right now instead of this.

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At 2/12/2008 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fucking self-absorbed can one person be? And are you actually PROUD of your alcohol and cigarette ab(use)? Just wondering ... for someone who has such an obviously pretentious and pseudo-intellectual vocabulary on her website, why not apply that "knowledge" to your ego and behavior? How old do you have to be (45?) to learn what's right and real ... and be honest with how screwed up you must be ???

From another alien lifeform sharing this planet with the likes of "people" like you ...

At 2/13/2008 12:50 AM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

That's 44 as is patently apparent from the profile. And just how old are you then Anonymous...?

Since you consistently show up here googling me personally, what's your personal beef chief?

5 cocktails (in a month) and not driving is not alcohol abuse. And if you know me (and apparently you do or want to or something weird) you already know that I'm obsessed with tobacco. She's my woman. My long standing relationship of withholding and then giving in to her is a frequent subject here.
If you want scintillating politics or granola there's about 700,000 other locations for you to lurk. Try my sister on.

Feel free to not share the planet. That would be real. Honest.


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