Big Dic
I found out today that I cannot just keep adding words to my spellchek user dictionary. I find that ridiculous. Why not? It’s digital information storage of single words. How much nano space can that ever really take up?
So, I had to go through the whole thing and delete a couple hundred words. Mostly formal names, but also a lot of items like argh, aarrgghhh, and arghhh.
See now? I’ll just have to add them back or else I’ll have to hit skip every time from here out...
argh, aarrgghhh, and arghhh
Each having a subtle difference in aarrgghh-iness I might add.
One is the primal Charlie Brown and the football scream of existential loss.
Another is the muttered, grumpy arghh of being asked to wash the dishes when one is playing tetris.
Another is being the recipient of a bad pun.
It gets very complex you see.
WV - rednes. Like it can look out and see my poor nose or something
I believe the correct spelling is:
especially when it's freezing cold in January!!!
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