I admit to:

• Reading my hotmail account like I read the newspaper, scan the headlines and guess the rest unless something really strikes me
• Not actually cutting down on my hatred and anger, merely learning to turn it outward instead of on myself. Be glad if your not a close friend or relation.
• Having actually just attempted to justify eating a big spoonful of cookie dough right out of the tube.
• Having given up, again, on trying to get a strong handle on smoking.
• Not having vacuumed for, like, 6 weeks.
• Rereading The Earthsea Trilogy + one, instead of reading for class.
• Being incredibly impatient with people’s foibles this month.
• Holding such a grudge that I won’t go to my friends show tonight because of some of the people that I know will be there.
• Justifying same by saying that I’m nurturing myself by not exposing myself to the funk.
• Giving in to the malaise.
Before I saw your show I was spooked that the urban planning student(s) would be there.
But then I figured that some people are not going to like me and that's their hangup and not mine. So I figured that I could run into the guy if I had to and not have to want to punch him.
Oh hell no, I don't actually know those kids, I just get into blogfights with them on AAIO about urban planning in A2.
What's really funny is that they don't have any clue, and I don't tell them, that my Dad is Professor Emeritus of their dept.
I cut my teeth on Urban Planning and have probably known quite a few of their professors and dept heads since before they were born. But they are SO arrogant and supercilious that they never acknowledge even the possibility that anyone else could have a well formed opposing view.
Besides all those young hipster types were all at the Lagerhouse that night trying to firmly establish their cred. People like you and me don't have to establish our cred, we've already walked the walk.
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