No really, I am PERFECTLY happy

I was too overly involved in self editing to write yesterday. Everything sounded stale. I just stopped after a couple aborted attempts. But here's a couple excerpts:
You know, the drug companies can just kiss my ass. Between buying a pack of nicotine gum (because the campus is now nonsmoking) and a damn one day monistat, 40 fricking bucks. I have got to get off the drug company tit. I hate those guys.
Math Anxiety. It’s baaack! School starts again today. The math issue is making everything tense. Oh whatever I’ll just muddle through it somehow. Grrr. Crap, it’s gobbing up everything.
I made an ever expanding pot of beef stew and sweet and sour beet greens.
We met with the guy who videotaped our show and got to see the video, not bad. I seem to video better than I foto.
Really exciting stuff huh? Aren’t ya glad I filled you in?
Oh and incidentally all the cutting back on things ambitions? Results so far:
caffeine, no real problem, I’ve settled back to one decent cup of tea per day.
Cigarettes, not so much. I guess it’s a little less, but nothing substantive.
And that my friends is the classic difference between the DOC and the not. (DOC = Drug Of Choice). Which is why I am a proponent of sometimes using habit substitution in the case of severe physical and mental addiction. As long as the replacement does not become the DOC you’re chances improve. But I have seen that happen with the nicotine gum. And methadone, and other substances, so it is a risk.
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