OK Nigel, I'll bite
4 Jobs I’ve had in the past:
Tattoo front girl, childcare worker, cabslave, Personal Care Attendant
4 Things I want to do before 2006 is over:
Get a couple more pieces published
Play a gig at which there a decent sized audience
Get LOTS of A’s
Find a chunk of money somewhere
4 things I say alot:
Ya know?
Ya think?
Ya wanna?
4 things I don’t trust:
Blue coloured foods
4 things I do trust:
Orange coloured foods
Red Wings Boots
Knight’s Market Meats
4 people from history I’d like to meet:
Moll Flanders (if she was real)
Louisa May Alcott
Any given Buddha
4 Best movies of 2005:
I haven’t the faintest idea, I heard the Whedon thing was good
4 best books I read in 2005:
The short stories thing about the boxer in Viet Nam, what the hell was that called?
The Education of Robert Nifkin by Daniel Pinkwater
The Longman Master’s of Short Fiction Anthology
A pretty cool Zelazny I can’t remember the title of
4 bloggers tagged:
I’m just not a tagger
Macintosh, we're a essentially a Mac family other than that now the nephews want linux for crazy gaming stuff
Perhaps you are recalling
"The Pugilist at Rest" by Thom Jones.( Little Brown, 1993 paperback edition).
Love, Lizard
p.s. what exactly was the questionaire Nigel sent your way, anyway?
by the by the beef stew was fab last night. thanks.
Yup thats the one. That was a damn good lend ma'am. I finally had recalled the name but couldn't remember the author except that he was an add the H Thom.
These things are called memes, (Rhymes with seems), they get written, then spread by "tagging". So had I listed four fellow bloggers that I wanted to see their answers I would have "tagged" them and waited to see if they met the, sort of, challenge.
Its a funny sort of new social interaction, you get to learn more about the person behind the Blog, at least theoretically because people can always lie.
Glad you liked the stew, it's certainly making the rounds. Psyche came by as well and got a big bowl for him and Radiolady who has the flu or something. I thought it was one of my better stews. I still have 5 Lbs in the freezer. yum.
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