
So the almost $400.00 heat bill had struck me down like polio and I had become paralyzed by inertia. The amount of homework I got in my first week piled in on top like a scrum. The housework was getting out of control, between all of that and trying to get other work done I was just plain oppressed. You can frequently ascertain where I am at psychically by looking at my dining room table and, if you can find it, my list of phone calls that are waiting to be made. If you can’t find that, the number of un-listened to messages on my machine are another indicator.
I just get overwhelmed. Then the key is to piece by piece take apart the great rock holding me down. It really becomes a matter of just chipping away at different faces and from different angles until it starts levitating, then go at it harder as my will gains strength until it either turns into a pebble or something else piles on and turns it back into a boulder.
It feels like a constant, the chipping, the growing and the diminishing.
I do know one thing though, if EVER I have money, I am going to pay people to do the housework. There are people who like it and there are people needing work and I will be more than happy to provide them an outlet for those odd desires.
My past work as a dishwasher has helped me to deal with being overwhelmed. (Although my final act as such was the only time I have ever spontainiously walked off a job) It was hard not to take each new full bustub personally. But I knew that I could wash faster than the Washtenaw Ave. Denney's customers could eat.
Spring will help a lot. Warmer weather, the end to the semester in sight, and, if you're getting a return (I'll be paying this year) there's the tax return.
It's all rhythm. Mostly this is a pep talk to myself.
Ah, ye Olde Denny's. Many a cook and Denny's dishwasher have I known!
I worked as a dishwasher at Thano's Lamplighter for an illbegotten several months until I was fired for basically being a female. Long story and all that, maybe I'll write about it soon.
It is related to the Thanksgiving story about me with my Dad.
Anyways you're right, spring and the semesters end instead of all the work looming ahead will help. January should be designated the month of the grumpasaurus
You will get a lot of that heating bill back, michigan home heating credit, and you should also be eligible for a free or very low cost home energy audit if you haven't already had one. Call DTE.
Do you have the programmable thermostat yet? That saves a bundle.
Your furnace may also be old enough to be replaced -- a 90 plus efficiency will also save. I haven't been in your basement recently. But i don't recall your mentioning a new furnace, and it will pay for itself real quick. A furnace with a humidifier feels warmer at a lower setting. In the meantime, put trays of water partly over registers and lower the heat.
Also look at the hot water heater - insulating, replace old with an on demand (it cut my bill in half) turn it down, etc. I'd be happy to go over other schemes to reduce that bill. There is always more to do.
-your sister
Yes well, new roof, new furnace and new water heater would be pretty much at the top of my list for the old homestead, but....
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