Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Supah Suckahs

When I can see again, ( I had misspoken? Miswritten? That my eye exam was yesterday, it was today and I’m all freakishly dilated), I’ll post some pictures I took while almost blind and walking home from the opthamologists. It was an insanely lovely day for a walk. I was too hot in a cardigan. I’m not complaining, but it is a little scary. Whatever happened to the days when we could have an amazing January without it feeling like the dreaded Pixie of the Apocalypse was dogging our tail? (And you know who you are.)

I woke up with an apocalyptic dream in my head and Max Frost’s “The Shape Of Things To Come” playing on the inner radio. All due likely to two factors, the old blood sugar issue and Nitro_Von_Borax pointing up the declaration by the Gaia Theory scientist that we’re all already doomed.
As I pointed out in that particular forum, we’d better hope that magic/aliens/Divine intervention and /or various heavens are real because we seem to have backed ourselves into the tightest of all known corners.

Upon awaking at 6AM I was watching the fools on MTV glorifying the stupidest, most ridiculous, superficial, lifestyles ever. This new song “GRILLZ”? Fucking the lamest, most Caligula like thing I think I’ve seen there yet.
I hope your jewel encrusted metal teeth will make your transition into death much smoother, suckers.
(edit:) And ladies, it occurs to me, that if you are foolish enough to believe this man telling you that ladies think it's sexy, do not come crying to me when he accidently bites one of your nips off.

On a lighter note I am having some lovely glasses made so I need to go pick up the frames and deliver same to the optician, so, later.


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