Taking a well earned day off.
As it turns out I snaffled my music lesson anyway so I get a true day. Well, except for all the housework to be done and the last little bit of cleaning up at the estate sale and the actual writing of the paper which has not heretofore occurred.
Last week WAS nutball crazy. I can’t even go there in terms of the amounts of craziness. I should get a job as a psyche/psychic meteorologist because there were indeed many scattered shit falls and the winds of hyperbole blew strong.
I am now trying to just hunker down and wait it out until Mercury goes direct (I’m told on next Monday).
I think I have noticed something, (I’m hoping people will watch for this and report to me for the next five years or so) which is that the first Mercury retrograde after the summer solstice is always a serious motherfucker.
It makes me want to find someone with a good astrological software setup and find out what was going on during the Infata (sp?) and other wars and funky actions that have happened in various July’s and August’s. And for people in their personal lives as well.
So I really should get on with the doin’s instead of the hangin’ round the net. I just wanted to check in and all. Not look like a total slacker....
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