On reading so much about Syd all over the net
(I wrote this this morning as a bulletin for The Bottom 99's myspace account because a lot of people were sending out "Syd is dead" bulletins)
I wanted to make a comment on the comments I've been reading about Syd's death.
I want to address both schizophrenia and diabetes. Both of these diseases are ravagers and have stripped us all of many loved ones, either physically or emotionally.
As a group who lives with both of these illnesses and their effects I feel we have something worthwhile to add.
When the recent news appeared that the two richest men in (basically) the world had pooled their resources to fund the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation I couldn't help but notice that nowhere in the foundations goals were there any concerns for giving aid to persons with mental illnesses.
And yet statistics clearly show that the majority of the burgeoning homeless and disenfranchised populations in the western world have a mental illness as one of their primary issues.
I also notice that the very basic issue of feeding the vast populations who are malnourished was not listed.
I contend that mental and emotional stability and a belly full of safe foods are at least as important to the human race right now.
So if you are in a group that feels setting an example or backing a cause is part of your social responsibility, I encourage you to support mental illness charities and resist funding/sponsorship from agri-businesses and tell the world (or at least your friends and supporters) why.
And the next time you're on the way home from a gig and find yourself stepping over a homeless person with pity, approbation, disgust or whatever you experience, please keep in mind that that person is likely, in essence, a motherless Syd.
Thanks for your time
Stella Magdalen
I've heard it said that many of the mentally ill have been winding up in prisons. And my friend Helios indeed spent a couple months in the Macomb County jail before being institutionalised this time.
For some reason my mail is not informing me of comments right now. I almost missed this!
Buit yes warehousing the mentally ill in prisons and jails is a huge issue right now. They get taken advantage of, abused taught to be criminals and do not get proper medications frequently.
As a fellow member of The Bottom 99, I fully embrace Stella's concerns over the wildly creative but ulimately tragic career of Syd Barrett. Luckliy, he was one of the few to have the means to be cared for and live out his life in serenity.
But she's right - we as a society have been deluded to blindly accept that the only things in life worthwhile are the those that make money - everything from for-profit medicine and Big Pharma to clean water and air. Most of the rest of us are a "dime a dozen" and stupidly buy in to the dual cons of "personal responsibility" and "God's Will". ("Culture of Life" indeed!)
That said, we, the literal "bottom 99%" of society, are on our own, baby....Don't expect many to acknowledge us, let alone reach out!
So kudos to those who persevere and "Fight The Power" day-to-day, not only to survive, but also to pursue their creative visions regardless of there being a monied "fan base" out there or not!
I'm especially grateful to Beth Orton's inspiration to create and tour despite having Crohn's Disease, another nightmare that generates no profits for Big Pharma and thus gets ignored. Another foible the we in The Bottom 99 are all too familiar with!!
some cogent points as well, Charlie.
Did you know you've somehow logged yourself in as Dayona instead of Daytona though?
I'm at the sale today, (Saturday) can we talk later tonight or Sun. re: plans for next week?
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