I suppose
I have to say something or I’ll be just wrong. OK, it was a very weird, very truncated, gig. It was not at all what the original proposal outlined due to a lot of mitigating factors.
I have to say that I am under the impression that I looked kinda fabulous, in a weird, Anita O’Day meets Vampirella, kind of way.
And I have to give Karl La Fong props for successfully banging the shit out of the most annoying trap kit ever. (He had to sit with the snare basically in his lap). One of those tiny jazz traps, bahhh.
And I have to give thanks for all the folk who braved the Blind Pigs insanity and various town and traffic issues and stuck it out to get in. And a bit of the old raspberry to those who didn’t come. Sorry, but I really don’t think we suck and we could use more support.
Well I'm glad it went as well as it did. And shame on the Pig for not honoring the agreements made. But they hold the cards still, don't they?
When you play a local gig in a smoke free place, I'll come and check it out. The last time I endured a smokey place for music was Leonard Cohen in Detroit at the State Theatre. 1994? I'm not sure I would have gone if I'd known it was a smoking place -- although only mildly so -- it was almost worth being sick for days afterwards.
I can't speak for the rest of the people related to you, but I'm sure venue has a lot to do with it for them as well. None of them like crowds.
-your sister
You were at that Leonard Cohen show? So was I. I don't remember being able to smoke there though.
I do remember thinking that every guy who brought a date to it was going to get laid after Leonard made all the ladies all gooshy and hot.
Anyways I knew you couldn't come, that's a given. And really due to the consistently underwhelming turnout from many of our folks there was hardly "a Crowd". But that just makes me appreciate those who did, more.
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