Funny that--
I was sitting here thinking about things. My appt with my Dr. today, our appt with the vet for euthanasia at 4:30, my issues and tissues and just a bunch of junk. Then it suddenly occurred to me that I started this thing around a year ago, and while I had thought it was the 7th, when I went back and looked it was today, one year ago, which was a Sunday (BTW). So Hoopty - Doo to me, now I’ll have several things to commemorate on July 3rds from here on out. My blog anniversary, my cats death date and the day I finally succumbed to the pressure and went on anti - anxiety drugs. Fucking drug companies, I hate you, you bastards. It’s like I don’t own my own life anymore, they do. The insulin burned like shit today as well.
merry fucking christmas
Neat. Tomorrow my blog will be two years old.
But I know that those fireworks won't be for me specifically.
So what was this about a job?
Oh it's my summer job working with Lizardbreath.
We've been working on her Moms estate for months now but the big payoff from the sales hasn't come yet. This is just straightahead work in her office.
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