Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

When in doubt, dumb doggerel will do

Put Another Nikolai In

The working day starts sundowning
grab a vodka latte shake
at Tatiana’s Tiki Carnivale
& Lava Steamed Clambake.
Beyond abandon, city streets
somewhere out, past grittin’ smiles
but not too close to “somewhere green”.
It’s really just a couple miles.
Galloping calliope sends
merry horses round the bend.
Tilt a’ Whirl exudes an
Aqua Velva/ Tigress blend.
What is this we’re sensing?
Follow the crowd down the midway.
The soundtrack to a T. McGee,
those scratched records that your parents played.
Tsars have sacked the pediment
tom rolls plough through solar plexus
Ultra-manly bass noise
surfs woven waves of Gretsch’s.
Guys and dolls are grooning
Jack Nitzsche tips the wink
add dulcet organ whinging
all driving you to your next drink.
Back home you strigil snake oil
maybe lave your brain with art
cast fluffy, virgin, laundry loads in
the swelling temple of your heart
Like he said, the bourbon’s warm now
knuckle sleep out of your eye
another steamy, working, morning
when seven thirty four rolls by.

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At 4/07/2009 8:38 AM, Blogger el poquito said...

Rise and shine.
Nice to see you back.
Once again.

Folks like us are just too dang ornery to stay down for good!
xo-el p

At 4/11/2009 8:00 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

I has risen. It seems to be the week for it.


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