Houston - we have a problem.

So there’s a problem in the neighborhood.
There’s something about the house across the way. Ever since the wife beating, dog killing, child porno, guy lived there there’s always been at least one problem person or someone who goes crazy or something.
Dali and I had offered the landlord to do a cleansing a few years ago but they didn’t go for it.
So the net result has been issues, issues, issues. Every time someone new moves in.
The issue this time is that the neighborhood around here is pretty durn quiet-ish.
And the new kids on the block are just that, kids. They moved over from campus, and they’re young and they act young.
Drunken yelling in the middle of the night, a lot of trash and Rage Against The Machine blaring, the friends driving way too fast on the one block street etc. etc. etc.
I’m not personally particularly bugged most of the time, (although if they hit my cat I will have all of their gonads nailed above my front door). The problem is a neighbor behind them that is really affected because of the sound dynamics involved. It all just pours into their fabulous peaceful garden and their bedroom window.
And they are already so over it and so lathered up that they are starting to become frantic and it’s getting pretty ugly.
I feel really bad for them because as I know all to well, there is next to nothing that can be done to make rude people behave, particularly when the rudeness is pretty much based in sheer unconsciousness and likely feelings of entitlement.
As I’ve said before one of my favourite expressions is that “manners are the oil that grease the wheels of civilization”. But it took me a lot of years to get there. I was an extremely drink and whatever addled, creature for a lot of years and when you’re in that state a lot you are mostly oblivious to your real impact on your surroundings.
And I suspect that that, and the youth factor, are what’s at the bottom of the issue. And face it, the couple are in their 50’s or so and it’s just not a good mix.
But the kid’s are renters and the couple are owners so I suspect that this will play in somehow in the future conflict. It’s too bad that it has to come down to such things but it frequently does.
I keep thinking to myself, should I step in the middle somehow, and if so how? It probably sounds real nosy, but I’m wondering whether it’s actually somehow my responsibility, as I am the neighborhood watch block captain? I also have a bit of experience with mediation and such, so that too makes me wonder.
But as anyone who knows me will tell you, I fricking HATE conflict.
I feel myself more and more uncomfortable every day as the tension mounts....
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