Je veux duper les mites

The days they are just a roller coaster. There seems to be no end in sight. The old saying/curse may you live in interesting times seems never so apropos as now.
I had to work yesterday morning. Then as soon as that was done start getting ready for the block party. I made up a new recipe which was pasta salad with a tomato, ricotta, parmesan dressing. Apparently it’s pretty good as out of a huge bowl there is only a medium carton left. I had to pick up the donations, set up the sound and help get and set up the crazy giant grill.
Then we did our set which was really pretty good. Then the jamming starts and nobody can sing apparently so they keep asking me to. I manage to grab some food and such but then I had to start putting together a million glo- necklaces and bracelets for the little kids parade.
Blah blah blah, then take it all down again.
Get home, and again with the, the minute I get done with one immense task the people are just laying the heaviest of heavy shit on me. Just heart wrenching and really problematic stuff.
So I just try to be an effective listener until the yawns just can’t be hid or contained any more. Beg off and go to bed, to immediately go into a coma with the computer still on and the unfinished mala still in my hand.
People wonder why I still miss stimulants. There are just not enough hours in the day some days. And in this political and economic climate more problems and issues and lives falling apart than ever it seems.
I would almost go so far as to say this sucks. I was thinking about Chinese labourers for some reason yesterday. And the idea that life has been reduced to just working 15 hours a day in some factory just to support your family and some crappy apartment makes me wonder what the hell IS the point for so many people. Why are they subjected to such a hellish existence, why am I so fortunate as to have gotten one so fraught with meaning and learning?
And really in spite of the fact that compared to most people around this area we are poor, in the big schema, we’re quite wealthy.
And how is it that so many people who are existing in almost the equivalant of God realms are so ignorant and selfish and full of a sense of entitlement?
Don’t they have even the vaguest inkling that that’s just luck and luck runs out?
What am I saying? Of course they don’t have a fucking clue or they would at least try, to behave differently.
Better to try to put a camel through the eye of a needle than to try to get the flaming, bloody, psycho pathetic (typo, but it stays) wealth mongers shoved into any real awakenings.
Yeah, whatever, I've got one day to catch up all my homework, you probably won’t be hearing from me for awhile then.
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