Bone Soup

Guess what I’m doing this weekend?
We took a little ride out to the country to Maggie's organic farm.
We picked a bunch of stuff, - a bunch, a bunch of stuff. 2 tubs of stuff.
Overripe tomatoes, green tomatoes, plum tomatoes
Peppers, sweet, hot, and deadly
So now it’s all about cooking. Tomatoes, tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, fresh salsa. Plum cake, also chicken soup, (my chicken soup is reputed to heal). So in general it’s about processing all this food down to where I can fit it in the fridge and freezer.
As well as, Woodwindswoman has promised to teach me the mysteries of something allegedly fabulous, called green tomato mince meat. Huh? Don’t ask me. I’ll find out when I find out.
I suppose, as long as I’m at it, I should make yoghurt also.
So I get a little extra caffeine, a little stay up a little later, and a little of the soul soothing task of making vast tons of food which is stressful and relaxing simultaneously. I’m really glad the weather has shifted and I can put the pots back on the stove again.
I picked up the dogs for another approx. 5 days too. This information is being withheld from the cat until it’s absolutely necessary for her to know.
Relationships seem to be the watchword of late, all kinds, romantic. familial, professional. It is so odd to see how some people want them, some people seem to hate them, how sometimes they are fallen into without effort, how they slip away while one is not watching, how some are determined to have them and don’t. The desperate struggles to maintain them, to groom them, to rid themselves of them, to control them.
I don’t know, it’s all really the domain of pop music. Right now I am in relationship to the pots and pans there’s enough tension there to satisfy me.
All right, all right I guess watching Coronation Street isn’t really getting anything accomplished, and I’ve got the Jamsters coming over at noon or something and the ablutions have to occur prior to that, so I really need to stop watching British soap operas don't I?
If you stop watching Brit soaps, you'll miss out on all the fun you could be having at our Coronation Street blog, Corrie Canuck...
Hey thanks for the tip, lord, as if several hours of CS every Sunday morning wasn't having enough of a deleterious effect on the getting stuff and homework accomplished.
OK, I'll accept that I'm just doomed....
Well here’s a collection of good stuff, glad I found it. I was kind of surprised that gazpacho wasn’t on the menu though.
Todd Vodka
Hi Todd Vodka, welcome.
Your Village post was so completely dead on.
Especially the part about people voting for the goof because they think the money is going to magically rub off.
And the don't bother showing up with only 999 million part.
This is is why I don't do much politics here because people like you and Maynard are so damn pithy and on, already. Well Ok pithy isnt really Maynards style but substitute mucho encompassing there and you'll get my point.
As to gazpacho, it slipped by as I was all about the chicken soup concept at the time, (which became perfectly amazing chicken corn chowder BTW). So thanks for the reminder.
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