Sunday Morning Subtle But Obvious Organized Self Abuse Swim Club

I have a lot of memories, I seem to not be able to shut up the monkey mind, I over analyze. I now get to do all that while learning to type.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Jaggery, Joggery, a vast dearth of bloggery

So supposedly jaggery is some form of sugar in British colloquialism. I wonder what it’s relationship to goor is? Goor being an Indian (I think) colloquialism for an unrefined very molasses-y sugar. I have a lump of goor on the shelf which I use when making chai.
Which, had I known you were all going to stop by today I would have offered you a little something. Now I feel like a bad hostess. Sorry. I’m just about 50 pages behind each in math and biology both. It’s just being one of those weeks I guess.

I am writing in between songs even now , and during the instrumentals too. Talk about your multitasking, oops gotta sing...

Ok, back. Some tunes I can write during the instrumentals, some I have to count. This one I can handle, it’s long and by feel, not numbers, for me anyway. I wish you guys could hear this stuff though.... now that we’ve got the great and wonderful M-box it shouldn’t be too long.
I seem to be in particularly good vocal form tonight also. Nice.

So, it’s just a quick note to apologize for no tay and biccies before. I should probably give the fella’s some attention now.


At 9/22/2005 5:32 PM, Blogger nigel paddell said...

I want to be a singer. Darn it.
I'm a barritone.

At 9/22/2005 6:25 PM, Blogger Stella Magdalen said...

My feeling is that there are very few people who can't be singers. My Mom was one I'm thinking....
All it takes is practice and maybe just a scosh of training so- go for it, says I.
Incidentally, I'm a tenor.


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