Jaggery, Joggery, a vast dearth of bloggery

So supposedly jaggery is some form of sugar in British colloquialism. I wonder what it’s relationship to goor is? Goor being an Indian (I think) colloquialism for an unrefined very molasses-y sugar. I have a lump of goor on the shelf which I use when making chai.
Which, had I known you were all going to stop by today I would have offered you a little something. Now I feel like a bad hostess. Sorry. I’m just about 50 pages behind each in math and biology both. It’s just being one of those weeks I guess.
I am writing in between songs even now , and during the instrumentals too. Talk about your multitasking, oops gotta sing...
Ok, back. Some tunes I can write during the instrumentals, some I have to count. This one I can handle, it’s long and by feel, not numbers, for me anyway. I wish you guys could hear this stuff though.... now that we’ve got the great and wonderful M-box it shouldn’t be too long.
I seem to be in particularly good vocal form tonight also. Nice.
So, it’s just a quick note to apologize for no tay and biccies before. I should probably give the fella’s some attention now.
I want to be a singer. Darn it.
I'm a barritone.
My feeling is that there are very few people who can't be singers. My Mom was one I'm thinking....
All it takes is practice and maybe just a scosh of training so- go for it, says I.
Incidentally, I'm a tenor.
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