Don't f**k with me, I have a yeast infection

Ok I know this is just upset bitchiness but- everybody just slammed me today without so much as a by your leave.
I suspicioned it was going to be one of those days when some twat walks up to me and says “excuse me ma’am, but this is a no smoking campus”. Instead of telling her to go fuck herself, I politely replied “Um, incorrect, not until Jan. 1st.”
She then tried to argue the point. She wouldn’t shut up, I ended up walking away. Smoking.
Um excuse ME, but don’t you think as a 30 year smoker I am SO ACUTELY aware of when the policy goes into effect?
Then there was a tense moment when I was getting my dole of bus tokens when I asked for my receipt, and the same woman who always hands me my receipt, said “we don’t give receipts”. I thought to myself “so, it’s just going to be one of those kinds of days is it?”
But I thought maybe I had been incorrect, as the three remaining classes seemed relatively innocuous and I was even foolish enough to get a little jazzed at a higher than expected score on the bio test.
Then I was stupid enough to be caught by surprise by the next 2 1/2 hours which were just really tense. And just so nobody reading this thinks it’s just them, there were three of you who just dumped your stuff on me one after the other and didn’t even ask me whether I had the time or energy for it. Well, I really didn’t.
But because I love you, I did anyway. Now I have to go write a paper which is due at 11 am tomorrow.
Incidentally, I just had to make the spellcheck learn twat, that’s kind of cheering.
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