I'm not liking this new moon

I don’t know, today, not so good.
After an excruciating day at school, then missing my transfer AGAIN, I did the intuition walk (you know, the follow your fate exercise). It was as if I was just walking further and further into my hatred. Just every little thing, the woman walking into me HARD because she was too intoxicated at 4 in the afternoon.
The feeling the evil eye on me from the ex-friend as I walked past him at his drinking hole. (And even though the place is nice enough, trust me, he is in a drinking hole.) The stupid, careless drivers. Problems at school. It’s just all feeling a bit much too much at the moment.
So I’m thinking, after a nap and eating and calming, how I was just reading where the Dalai Lama had said something to the effect of; hatred and anger are not the same. That anger can be ok, usable and focusable, but that hatred is the real destructor.
I don’t think I’m in a place where I can differentiate yet.
I just keep hoping that somehow just by trying to be helpful the juju will just rub off on me and somehow I’ll end up good.
Sigh I just hate weeeks like this, don't you?
The main thing for me is to try to keep them down to days or weeks wherever possible, not let them get a real foot in the door.
Speaking of which I was pretty mean to the Jehovahs this morning, but that's just what happens when you make someone get off the toilet to answer the door and they're already having a bad day.
I've become rude with telemarketers. I don't actually say anything, I just hang up.
It's not really nice of me though, as that is another person on the other end, but it is a person getting paid to make junk phone calls so screw 'em.
You may not recall this, but our mother used to deal with telemarketers by telling them the baby was crying and they should hang on -- she'd put down the phone, walk away to do something else and not come back until much later (20-30 minutes). Part of her reasoning was wasting their time was fair payback, and she was preventing them from calling anyone else in the meantime.
NPR (I think it was) reported recently that the people administering the "do not call" government list recently called a sample of people on the list to see how they felt about being called. Guess how they responded? Our government isn't only dangerous, it is dumb.
-the sister
I am on the list and it's generally working but keep getting calls from the Dove Foundation. They hang up when they get the machine, but what makes religious organizations think that they are somehow exempt from the list or the no soliciting sign on the door. (Which was featured heavily in my tirade this AM).
religious and political organizations ARE exempt from the do not call list. The legislation was written by politicians. They don't think their calls are obnoxious, or are for a greater good.
My no soliciting sign specifies that religious and political visitors are also not wanted. It works. I'll make one for you.
I watch them walk up, read it, and turn back. With your long steps it would work even better!
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