On overcoming caring what others think...

Ok not to get too crazy on the dream thing, cuz even though I find them fascinating, I know others don’t, but - As I was waking up this morning I was dreaming that I was a Saudi woman, (but in America, no veils or burkas). I was hanging out with a group of Saudis at some gambling venue.
I went to get some food at a store and four trucks of Gypsies drove by. The trucks were emanating this music that was just amazing. On the back of one truck was a platform where this Gypsy man, all in black and leather, was dancing.
The other women were jealous because I got to see the Gypsies.
I felt like I had been offered a glimpse into a different world or something.
I am always hearing music or am singing in my dreams, it’s always really cool and heretofore unknown stuff. It’s always evanescent and gone, gone, gone.
I was only able once, to pretty much faithfully recreate a song that was from a dream. Unfortunately it still sits idle as it never really fit with any of our projects.
Speaking of which, we should be hearing the final date for our show in November today or tomorrow. We’re putting together a little thing at the Berkely Front with Psyche opening doing his solo thing. I am really excited to hear him, as I’ve not ever had the opportunity yet, not even when he was with The Elevations.
Obviously I’ll be taking advantage of this forum to plug hell out of the show, so more details later.
So let me say, that as I had a bit of a miserable school week, I’m going to attempt to bolster my self confidence by stating that I got my first straight A on a Math test, and got 54 of 50 on my Piano test.
But don’t even ask me about Bio which has caused me so damn much misery this week and I even managed to make a fool of myself in my beloved English on Tuesday by just totally missing that something was due that day. When asked for my assignment, I was like “Huh?”. Humiliating.
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